So I’m experiencing a bit of a paralyzing agent while I transition back to whatever character I decide to become once I’m done meditating my way to that point. So I’ll be posting at a lower standard than I had intended as a way to bleed out some energy. I am who I am.
I just want you to take a snapshot of our reality right now, since I am having to do that right now as I write this.
My optimized dream is imaging a reality where Meteorologist use the x17 Particle to determine aspects of the weather. I am having to think what the universe is trying to tell me when Sam is from WDJT, Donald John Trump’s initials in a station id. He got fired to … Ohh, I stand corrected. It was a She named Sam. That fits with my reality where in a more productive version, I would have talked about how Meta the US Version of Ghost is. Sam is the character that fell down stairs to gain visuals for the ghost that Creepy Todd manifests from his obsession with the Singer/sound transference power in the show. I haven’t wrote about that, but need to one day.
Anyhow, I also don’t think it’s a coincidence that the RNG for two of the largest lotteries had 69 in it, the Ying Yang last win. My suspicions is a lot of energy just built up and this is how it got outputted at the time of execution. I do not believe anyone modified the numbers in the lottery with dualing Ying Yangs. It was only done with
Flight 5342 from Kansas, energy from and the Chief’s collided in DC I think. Just an early thought. No one seems happy with the outcome of the finals so far and the religious sentiment still holds water, so it’s as good as any. It’d fit with the narrative if some gays were on the flight or the helicopter.
Today, I’m writing just for the therapy of it and I feel like I got it out.
I see this stuff, but I haven’t made heads of tells of what happens with it. .
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