Ransomware stopped by registering a domain to stop the spread of money.

See just how much value a domain has?

This is what I’ve tried to say.

Microsoft released a patch to prevent this from happening on 3.14. The same day I tried to STOP using Citizens United V FEC Money by going to the Media. My 1:59 PM appointment accomplished little, Microsoft’s Patch did little to stop this from hitting thousands.

A researcher registered a domain to stop the spread of this ransomware proving domains have value.

I found a bug in Free Speech.

I’m trying to fix it.




I’m counting on you!

Seriously? What’s happening over there?

Today after I made a tweet to in regards to James Comey a really strange thing happened at work.

I promoted that tweet while at home. Whenever I got to work, I head outside during my first break and meet Brittany. Brittany is telling me how someone’s “Dashboard” showed news about Donald Trump and James Comey instead of Customer’s Dashboard. It happened on the Workstation of someone neither of us seemed to have known by name.

I knew it had to be a coincidence, so I talk to others and confirm it in a screenshot. The timestamp on that screenshot is 7 minutes difference in time from my Promoted Tweet.

Anyhow, I need to get back on track Dictating like a Dictator should. More tomorrow.
