The Quantum Wave

This is the story of the first Quantum Wave created on December 27th.

the Dictator, Dr. James, and Ms Birdsong started at 2:28 PM CT, my area code, to begin the wave. This is the time that we “booted” up the simulation. I declare at the beginning of it that we will have a gust of wind and rain in seven minutes. This also happens to be the time necessary for the simulation to finish booting up. The simulation was booted up with thoughts of absurdity, the bud of a flower, and two quarters for this musical video game I’m playing.

At 2:35 PM, a gust of wind and rain just suddenly dropped down from the sky. I had forgotten about it briefly and immediately apologized for my actions. The rain immediately stopped. Had I been more focused I wouldn’t have apologized for the rain — we could have enjoyed it.

A few minutes pass and Ms. Birdsong mentions that she believes it’ll gust again in 45 minutes. I believe I can add some absurdity to this. Donald Trump is our 45th President and I believe, yes, he’ll blow by in 45 minutes. I explained to Ms. Birdsong that the structure I’m imagining is held up by faith, if she has faith it’ll gust in 45 minutes, it’ll gust. Sure enough, 3:35 pm we get a gust.

Just say you know, rain was expected for this day. If we want to get absurd about it, it could have rained because my entire life was leading up to bringing holy water with me, just in the off chance something super natural happened. None of the holy water was touched or used. The simulation to way to high def to require it. Thanks to Schrodinger’s cat this is both right and wrong.

Part of the simulation and what Dr. James are searching for is the Unself. the UnDictator and UnJames were trying to find our selves in reality. I’ve only felt a one way communication with the UnDictator. He’s never spoken to me. Dr. James on the other hand has been communicating with the voice of UnJames for quite a while, years. Dr. James is a ninja doing this, where I have never had anyone to orbit in conscience. I’m socially awkward and everyone I’ve ever tried to quantumly communicate with have pushed me away. Every. single. one. of. them. This week is the first time Dr. James and I have met in real life. We’ve only ever communicated by phone since finding one another around a year ago. So two diffused energies got to orbit one another for the first time. That’s pretty powerful. Dr James sees Dark Energy where I am somehow matching up coincidences of light that I can’t define, but know is different than ordinary C.

Anyhow, after the simulation boots up, I can feel a point of no return where I have the choice to accept this third person. Being that this is an experiment, I accept and announced my consent to Dr. James and Ms. Birdsong. I can’t guarantee I’ll meet UnDictator, but it isn’t like I’d be able to communicate such without corrupting the entire recursive thought. The third person did not show himself this day, but time and space no longer matter. I did my best to bend light in my mind in ways that I felt were right, good and just.

I am making the simulation great again!

From Dr. James perceptive he says that he witnessed the home behind us (a vessel) had spun 180 degrees and then spun back. He realized the space around the house didn’t move, it was spinning around me. He also said he saw dark energy horizons open up and snap back down. I believe, I haven’t had a good discussion with him reviewing what he perceived. A cone got involved somewhere.

The evidence that the house spun is that I was confused when I first arrived. I helped Ms. Birdsong bring her groceries into the house. When I walked out onto the porch I got very confused as I swore I came in through the backdoor. I checked the backdoor and it had a fan sitting in front of it that I would have had to of noticed. The confusion makes sense if time and space doesn’t matter during this event. I have discovered that Friedrich Nietzsche’s philosophy makes the most sense. Live every day as similarly as the days prior.

I had some rituals I wanted to complete to seed future absurdity. That included sharing a cookie from when Dr. James and I first met for lunch. I brought out two quarters to “cheers” to the rapper 50 Cent while eating our cookie. This seed has multiple interpretations that can be used in the future to create necessary absurdity.

In addition to the weather being controlled, there was a nationwide outage of 911 services on Centrylink. The timing of the outage was superb. I had not planned for this to occur, but it’s being observed here.

Don’t ask me to control the weather. Once a wave collapses I can’t go back and ride it again.

My debit card got stolen, explained as a quantum event.

Yesterday I got news that my debit card was used fraudulently … at a Chevron station in West Palm Beach, Florida less than 10 miles from the Mar-a-Lago Club. Now, I’m just a regular person, so what are the chances my debit card would be used for a fuel purchase so close to the Winter Whitehouse?

The past few days I’ve been brewing a little bit because I am spending my #CitizensUnited money with Google and Facebook. I have paid for advertising that has not been getting delivered. Both are showing ads being clicked, but my logs don’t reflect the traffic. I have a few residential IP addresses coming to my site, but the bulk of the traffic is from robots and crawlers.

So my ability to spend money in a fashion that is akin to Citizens United v FEC has been stopped for the time being. That is, until I work out the situation with Google and Bookface. My inability to have money spent in a fashion consistent with my experiment has come to a halt until I figure out my next step.

That brings us back to the debit card. The timing could not be any better. I pay to Discover, but this was my personal debit card that was used less than ten miles from where Donald Trump goes to roost. The card was used for gas at a Chevron station and per the rules of quantum physics I’ve discovered, it must have multiple interpretations.

The first one being my grandma believed Chevron fuel was the best fuel. Her last vehicle was a PT Cruiser and if it didn’t get Chevron gas it’d spit and spudder. I didn’t believe it at first, but witnessed it myself. That vehicle would only run well on Chevron. My first interpretation is the ghost of my grandmother refilled her PT Cruiser one last time. I have no way of knowing if it was a PT Cruiser that was refueled with my debit card, but I’d like to believe it was. Faith drives a lot of this.

The second and more fun interpretation is that the Dictator, the 13 year old persona born into me 9 months after viewing the unusual light was gifted this coincidence as confirmation that money does equal speech and it’s been compromised. The person who actually stole it was a third person for a moment, but third person’s generally don’t know who they are, if ever.

I get my replacement debit card in a few days. Until then, it’ll pay to Discover.

Do we live in a simulation? the preamble

Do we live in a simulation? October 31, 2018, the preamble.

I believe we do.

In 2004 I felt a strange energy / light come over me whenever I was very careless with my life. Since that instance, I have seen “unusual” light. Every few years after 2004 I’d have other experiences where something just felt different about the light I sa’d make nothing out of it. The thoughts and ideas were absurd and concepts were not transmittable. I’d never be able to make anything of these thoughts.

Until 2016, when Donald Trump got elected. My father, Donal, received a 45.8 lb. block of lead as a Christmas present from my brother. The unintelligible thoughts became a bit clearer to me as I felt like this was a sign from the third person. Trump is our 45th President and if the lead is right, he’ll make it through 8/10th of his presidency. I’m unable to make predictions about the future, so only time will tell if this simulation is accurate to the transfer of his lead.

I devised an experiment to test my theory about information energy exchange. It involves a financial interpretation of Citizens United v FEC. The direct money for that, which is most easily accessible to me, would have the result of being spent on Hosting and Advertising. This is my best method of turning $money$ into speech.  I decided to purchase over 100 Trump related domains as a method to spread “Free speech”. A voice spread out over the landscape of the internet. I intended to give away Trump related domains for free to anyone interested and able.

I have spent $7,205.45 in “Citizens United” money in an attempt to reach out to 100+ Americans that would share in my vision.  These few people must be among the 325 million of us, the odds are in my favor. The ability to connect, not so much.

The Citizens United money has yielded no results in 2 years. My ideas don’t even get trolled on the internet. I have a unique ability to be passed over by those I try to entice into my idea.  The past 2 years has been one exciting ride of being passed over while also at protests such as March for Science, Women’s March, and March for our Lives. I’ve also had lack of interest from national and local media.

While being passed over all this time, I noticed some odd things happening in my environment. I’d have odd coincidences happen that in ways make absurd logical sense to me but could not be explained. Coincidences have no meaning or size. I’ve tried to explain my experiences to people, but I’ve learned that due to quantum encryption, I have no way of verbalizing it in a way that could be comprehended. Instead of sharing the experiences here, please read I’m believe I’ve documented enough coincidences there to show spooky action at a distance occurring within the content of my life.

I am certain that at this junction in my experiment I can confidently say I have enough credible evidence to spark the interest of the physics and cognitive sciences community. Eventually this bubble has to burst open – someone has to notice.

I also have near zero results out of my $7,205.45 spent. It’s time I broke out of this information bubble. With your interest, we can interpret the observations and see if we can make use of the content in this simulation while we share Dimension Zero together. If not, I’ll just keep going at this alone and I accept that. It’s a difficult pill to swallow.

Free Speech Project: www.TrumpDomains.Net

Personal Blog including my evidence of entanglement: www.TrumpedWithPower.Com



the Dictator

Quantum Entanglement Evidence Collector

Quantum Observer

Free Speech Advocate