This is how fair I want to be!

Proof I’ve been balanced my whole life. Let’s get this going. I will help all US Citizens as evenly as possible regardless of side. why I kept this pizza receipt, I may never know. But I found it while reviewing info on my past medical bills. I have always tried to do right by everybody.

Politically Balanced Pizza
A pizza I ordered with two competing sides. Beef or Pepperoni ?

Dictator’s New Years Toothache

Remember the toothache Dictator Trump had?

I got the bill for it. Here’s how it laid out. This is just sad.


  • Physician Services  Charge: $475.00
  • Insurance Payment: -$427.50
  • Total Due: $47.50

The problem with this is the fact I paid $50 when I was at the Emergency Room. So I emailed the billing department asking for them to consider the account settled or refund me $2.50. I hear back from Nicole, nice billing lady, and she tells me she knows it’s a billing problem, but no one seems to care to fix it. I’ll be sending Nicole a note soon with my payment of $47.50.

I have to pick my battles.


I’m working part time for the people.

Dear US Citizen:

Watching TV today I realized you might not think I’m going to do a good job. Well, you should know that I have been working on this every weekday night for at least 30 minutes and 8+ hours on my days off. Handling either technical issues or figuring out how to spread my message of peace.

Please know that once I begin with negotiations on domain applications, I’ll do it just as vigorously as I have while creating this monster of speech.  My creator does have a full time job, and has dedicated about 6-8 hours on all but one weekend since the idea’s inception shortly after November 20th.

I absolutely promise to continue doing this at minimum 8 hours/week and more if necessary. I’m in this to the end.

I’ll tell you this. I won’t be watching TV while I focus on this. Music, yeah. TV, no.

Please consider involving yourself to Make America Great Again!*

Dictator Trump
Biggly Leader of the United States of America

*Make America Great Again is the chosen tagline, don’t make a big deal.