I made this artwork to please the majority of the people that have visited me throughout this project. I hope you like as I understand it to be a peaceful symbol.

Is that what I’m learning, that Citizen’s United was all about money being speech?
Facebook won’t take my money. I’ve asked the people to give me ideas and offered $100 for it. No reply. I’m not getting any takers for talking to me.
So here we go.
First person to say something constructive gets $1.00 worth of BTC.
I’m giving away my speech for pete’s sake and no one is even asking for it.
Update: 2/15/2017 02:31 EST
I’m increasing it to $2.50. I’m ready to get started to review Applications.
Updated 3/4/2017 The 0.1 BTC Offer has expired.
This message is from Dictator Trump’s creator. Posted 2/10/2017 02:21 EST Updated 04:32
I have been getting my money together to get us talking about our President. I am sincere whenever I say I want to help.
I have given my money to ICANN, fiverr.com, Change.org, Google Inc, Torproject, VPN, and Cell Service, but have recently failed to give money to Facebook. I’m haven’t asked anyone directly to get this started. My money is no good to Facebook. I wanted to continue spreading my money thinly across the industry that provides “speech”, instead I’m giving it away directly.
The first person to give me a good idea idea on how to spend my next $100.00, I will personally send you 0.1 BTC.
Facebook kinda forced my hand as they were the next spot to spend money.
I’m pretty sure I’m not violating the spirit of Citizen’s United v FEC. Although I did make a donation to Sen Elizabeth Warren of $50 USD when she got silenced.
Updated 3/4/2017: The offer of 0.1 BTC has expired.
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