I have not made an update in a while. Mainly due to lack of activity on trumpdomains.net. My advertising dollars just don’t seem to be accomplishing what they use to. Previously the use of “Citizens United” dollars would generate response I could recognize in the real world. It was mainly how I felt about the real world, but it felt like it made a slight difference. Not reaching anyone in particular, but I was shifting the minds of people who got a glance at what Dictator was doing.
That spending of money, to stick a thought into someone’s mind, was enough to edge my project on. I felt like I was making progress. Until recently. I have seen a drop in being able to recognize that feeling.
I do my part occasionally by doing a random act of kindness. It feels like I’m spreading love to the wind when I help a random stranger. It feels good.
Anyhow. Lately, I haven’t been feeling that.
I thought by now someone would care. Surely out of population of 323.1 Million there has to be more than a 100 people interested in these domains or even the strange physics activity. My advertising dollars haven’t brought them in. The several hundred that stumble on the domains daily would yield at least a few interested parties to contact me.
I know what I’m doing is radical, but I can help people.
And surely, I think I may have evidence of quantum entanglement. Maybe not, who knows. It’s worth a discussion, because some of that stuff is just weird. And it really did happen.
I’m getting to the end of how far Citizens United money can go before it requires a response.
I’ve had some strange technical problems recently and they always happen when I figure out a new feature in this Matrix. It took me a while to realize that these are ghost connections.
Last night I connected that this PDF exploit would be the coincidence leading from faith. So I shut down all apps on my PC and just listened to music and thought about ways to get some outreach. While it was Idling a PDF exploit virus would write to my mail folder triggering Defender.
Here are the logs, I can’t read the email’s contents, so this is the best I can do at recursion reduction.
Prayers, this is as good as it gets for now. I’m wanting to start fresh.
Updated 10/20/2017
Last night I realized a Phantom had visited here, while documenting this had happened, Windows Defender crashed. I got a message saying it had stopped working. On review, it had restarted on it’s own. I haven’t had a pdf exploit strike since August 3rd 2017. It’s pointless, coincidences don’t hold any significance, but it’s fun to collect them.
So this is bigger than waiting on the March for Science to apologize.
This all started around Labor Day, 2004. I attempted to check out in the only way I knew how. So many people took a single drug to try to overdose and “check out”, but failing. So I figured I’d confuse my body and ended up taking 9 different drugs. Life and hilarity-in-hindsight ensued.
Instead of checking out, I witnessed what I initially had mistaken as “God”, but it was just some chemistry working itself out in my body. So I had to bring meaning to this and I figured this Chemistry and the Physics I experienced must have been “The Meaning of Life”; I had to make sense of it.
Since I was so overwhelmed, I learned only bits and pieces of each. One story I tell that brings the most meaning to me is this:
I ended up in the Mental Ward of the County Hospital. When I arrived at 2 AM that morning, a Preacher came to me and gave me his watch. He knew my name and demanded I take his watch. The nurses helped me into bed and took him back to his room.
The next morning the Watch was missing and the preacher knew nothing of giving it to me. I assume the nurses gave it back to him, because it was back on his wrist.
Throughout that first day, I started to get acquainted after learning my new-found knowledge. I spoke to a lady for a bit, maybe 5 minutes, and when I looked up at the clock, twenty minutes had passed. I learned a Physics Trick! If I stop looking at clocks, I can get out of here! Or, at bare minimum, my time here would seem shorter if I ignored them.
So every morning for the next two weeks I’d meet the preacher at breakfast and he’d tell me how he met God and how I should read the Bible to understand it myself. I wanted to figure this out on my own, not read some other’s interpretation, so I’ve only ever read the Bible in bits and pieces. I explained to him my new Physics Trick of how to get out of here sooner: ignore the clocks. Measuring time slows it down in our accelerated states and he kept measuring time. How else would he know when he’d get out of the Mental Ward?
So everyday I’d chip away at the preacher’s demands on time. I’d ask him to stop wearing his watch, and then I’d express to him that I didn’t want him looking at the time if he was going to wear the watch. It was a nice watch and again, he doesn’t remember giving it to me the first day I arrived.
This guy knew his stuff. He said it took him five cups of coffee to feel like he got one. This is what he told to me one day, when referring to the hospital’s coffee. I had realized then the nurses were giving us decaf. Sure enough decaf coffee has about 20% of the caffeine remaining or about 5 cups to make one cup of the leaded coffee.
The day is finally here for me to see the judge to see if I could be released back into the wild. The preacher also got to meet his judgement that day. He went to the State Mental Facility while I was able to leave. My last conversation with The Preacher was me begging him for his watch. Just GIVE IT TO ME. (I can put it away.)
To summarize:
A Preacher that saw God knew me by name, gave me his watch when I arrived, and remembered nothing about it the next day. When I left, I begged The preacher for his watch so he wouldn’t have to spend much time at the State Mental Health Facility. He gave me his Bible instead. Torn and tattered, I have it around here somewhere.
It wasn’t until recursion got to a certain level that I could finally piece things together. That showed itself to me in the form of a 45.8# Block of Lead. It was a coincidence.
Entropy can be improved by focusing on recursion that folds into others. Creating a new definition for Dictator, ever so slightly shudders the preconceived notions you have of me. That every so slightly changed people’s faith in me.
Dictator has tried to give away “free speech” to half while spending “Citizens United v FEC” style money to ask Donald Trump a question. I spent the money on where Citizens United would be spent; that being domains, web-hosting, and ads.
I reduced Entropy again when I realized I can hold the word “Trumped”; a word that forced everyone to wonder exactly what I’m trying to do.
TrumpDomains.net is where I am actively trying to spread free speech to anyone willing to put in an application. Just justify it to me, and you got a domain. I’m fixing a hole in free speech by controlling a portion of the word “Trumped”.
Trumped is defined as:
Adjective, a drunkard duped by a President.
So. This:
I have done Technical Support since 1997. My entire life, I have experienced recursion over time. Check out this classic found in my archive from around 1998 when I used MS Money.
MS Money Unknown Error
Tell me I haven’t learned about Recursion over time! I took a screenshot of it when it showed itself because the only way to dissolve recursion is to expose it to light. The Double Slit Experiment breaks this cycle and applies!
Donald Trump fired someone by TV one last time before he closed the book on that part of his Legacy.
I am creating my legacy for myself in the most awesome way ever: by being the person to write about Coincidences leading from Faith.
I am just a US Citizen, and I have Discovered some new Science!
I have monitored my life for evidence of Coincidence from Faith. I just didn’t know it until Donald Trump became President. He forced me to realize he’s the epitome of Coincidence.
To Summarize:
The fifth dimension is Faith, the sixth is Coincidence. I applied math terms where I could.
Dear Physicist,
Please make sense of this and you’ll be the first to spread my Word!
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