No work today and airforce one

I had a rough day at work, so I didn’t put any work into Instead, I watched Youtube and chilled. Check this out, Donald Trump could use sarcasm and accidentally start the next WWIII on twitter. He did it to Boeing, people take him serious. Why not a country taking him seriously?

Come’on, I understand Airforce One is over twenty years old, let’s get a new one. I bet we’ll get more of our money’s worth than that spent on the F-35.

Ohh, this morning I bought I own and, but I need to give the option for the other side. I’m sure someone out there believes Trump is our real world Rick. Contact me if you wanna blog about that on your own. I’ll set you up a wordpress install or whatever, you goto town.

I’m working on creating so I have a site dedicated to us collaborating on what to do best with the other domains. This domain,, will likely be my personal soap box like it was originally intended.

I hope to have it up by the end of the week. If you’d like to share your ideas feel free to contact me. Any activist that likes the idea of free online discussion and have the necessary knowledge to contribute productively should contact me.

censorship free online discussion for Trump

I’ve started working on my powers. I started by getting shadowbanned by apparently

reddit censorship
Evidence of “shadowban”. a method reddit uses where my post show to only me.


I’ve managed to get kicked out of multiple chat rooms and I understand why, I’m starting to take over power. People are scared, but this is what I intend to do.

  • I will use these domains for good. Sunshine is the best disinfectant.
  •  Censorship bothers me a good bit, I’m an member.. Bumper sticker and monthly recurring withdrawals for the past decade.
  • I own domains that are for good discussion of Trump as well as bad. I’m giving people a platform free of Censorship from any corporation.
  • I need volunteers. I can only do basic administrative work and coordinate this effort with Graphic designers, database admins, hosting specialist, moderators, etc. I work 40 hours a week and can’t be spending all my time on this. Someone is going to have to do their part. It’s going to be all of us.
  • I am the most average middle of the road person you’ll ever meet.
  • I voted Gary Johnson. because I’m sick of Hillary and Trump. This has got to stop.
  • I had to buy these domains, otherwise someone else with less integrity might have bought them. Please support me. I’ll do my absolute best.
  • My name is Dictator Trump not because he’s necessarily bad or good, I am going to be the Dictator of online censorship prevention. If that makes any sense, it was funny to me, but this I’m completely serious
  • Deep down Donald Trump is a good human being and this will help bring that out of him. I hope.

I’m weighing what to do with these domains, I could just leave them alone if Donald Trump maintains a certain level of transparency. We need daily press releases giving minutes of what he does daily or something as reasonable close as possible. Maybe these domains won’t get used if he can do that. The possibilities are endless. Let’s make the world a better place. I love you guys.

To prevent server overload, I’d like to have any discussion over at

Thats the only reason I’ve turned off comments, my shared hosting package won’t handle this for long if I inspire enough people to help.