No longer under distress — New US Flag

After Hurricane Gordon our United States of America Flag got pretty tattered. I should have taken it down, but I didn’t. Anyways, after Gordon passed I decided to not immediately replace it since my free speech project is under distress. It felt like a good metaphor for how I felt.

It’s now the end of the of my vacation week and I feel so accomplished with the progress I’ve made with my free speech / quantum physics project that I got a new flag and it’s up today.

the Dictator is no longer under distress so I’ll be waving a new flag. I have to drop off the old one with the local American Legion.

The car battery

So I had to get a new battery for my car. For the past 2-3 weeks it’s been a bit hesitant to start. It never failed to start, but last week my mom had the battery in her SUV die, so I had made plans that on my day off I’d get my battery taken care of. Strange we both had battery problems just a week apart.

I leave the house for the auto parts store, it cranked up just fine. When I get there Faith tests my battery and it comes back bad. So she asks me to start it so she can test the alternator and starter, but the battery was dead. Faith observed the battery and made the wave collapse — it had to be bad going forward. It would only barely click.

So that’s my anecdote for the week. My car battery died while being tested by Faith. It’s good symbolism for what I’m trying to carry out. This is the same vehicle that has had many coincidences in its past.

I was tickled pink by it. It’s like the lighting bolt I saw at the March for Science 2017.

I didn’t plan ahead trying to line up Faith at the auto parts store, I’ve never met her before. One thing that is consistent is when I play the role of Dictator, a story tends to show up in reality. I can’t play Dictator all the time, but when I do, the cosmos seems to be on my side to make the story flow better by having the right people at the right time.

I’m not understanding or losing faith one

Dear US Citizen,

I have created my free speech project with intention of literally helping a few people out of the 325 million Americans. I have heard nothing. I have ran ads of all sorts trying to bring attention to the project and if the right person can see my vision, then we can get started envisioning it.

I’ve tried ads that I thought would get attention about physics, free speech, Trumped Domains, or at least interest in my collection of quantum entanglement. I have some pretty cool stories that I’d think people could talk about — but I don’t even have trolls.

I understand I may have discovered my own “bubble”. I am equally both boring and radical.  Just radical enough to get completely dismissed.

I’m running this as an ad right now. This is my best effort at trying to find those 100+.




Best Regards,

the Dictator